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Balancing Self-Care, Family, Leadership, and Entrepreneurship

September 11, 20243 min read

Balancing Self-Care, Family, Leadership, and Entrepreneurship

Life is a delicate balancing act. As a leadership professor, entrepreneur, husband, and parent, I know firsthand the challenges of juggling these demanding roles while also carving out time for self-care. Each role is deeply important to me, but finding harmony between them requires intention, flexibility, and a whole lot of grace.

"Balancing multiple roles isn’t easy, but it’s possible when you prioritize what truly matters and take intentional steps to protect your well-being."

Balancing Self-Care, Family, Leadership, and Entrepreneurship

What Are You Prioritizing?

The key to balance lies in prioritization. For me, family always comes first—there’s no professional achievement that can substitute for the moments shared with my wife and kids. Whether it’s helping my children with schoolwork or simply being present at the dinner table, these are the moments that ground me.

I've realized that adulting is all about scheduling. Children, unlike us, don’t think about the repercussions of being late or how they spend their time. But as adults, we understand that how we manage our schedule impacts not just us, but others as well. That’s why I believe in auditing your weekly schedule all the way down to zero minutes. It gives you clarity on how you’re spending your time and ensures that your priorities, like family, are never left out.

Setting Boundaries at Work

Setting boundaries at work is essential to staying focused and productive, especially when distractions like people, social media, or trivial tasks threaten to derail your day. To avoid this, I intentionally block out time in my schedule for deep work, turning off notifications and putting my phone on do not disturb mode. This allows me to focus on the tasks that truly matter without getting pulled into unnecessary conversations or mindlessly scrolling through social media. 

Setting boundaries is crucial when you wear many hats. If you say "yes" to someone else but "no" to yourself, it's an opportunity to set a boundary. 

Self-Care is Non-Negotiable

One of the most important lessons I’ve learned is that self-care isn’t optional—it’s non-negotiable. In the midst of balancing my work as a university lecturer and leadership coach, I realized that you can’t pour from an empty cup. Taking time to recharge is essential not only for my own well-being but for how I show up for others.

For me, self-care looks like working out, daily prayer or listening to a faith-based sermon, and regular therapy. These practices help me stay mentally and physically grounded, allowing me to give more fully to my students, clients, and, of course, my family. One of my mantras is: You are uniquely gifted and talented. Never compare yourself to others. You have all that you need. You are enough.

Balancing multiple roles isn’t easy, but it’s possible when you prioritize what truly matters and take intentional steps to protect your well-being. Whether it’s scheduling, setting boundaries, or practicing self-care, finding harmony between family, work, and self can help you lead a more fulfilling life.

one page planner to help you audit your weekly schedule

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Dr. Dar Mayweather

Dr. Dar Mayweather is a leadership expert and career coach dedicated to fostering inclusive leadership. Discover his journey, expertise, and commitment to empowering professionals and organizations.

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